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I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago.  For seventeen years I taught applied technology and engineering classes at the high school level in public school systems.  I have three children in Belgrade schools, one at each level.  

I'm compelled to run because I believe all politics in this country to be broken. I believe it's time to try something different.   I intend to implement a referendum voting platform to allow the power of descision to remain with the constituency, rather than with a politician.  To my knowledge nothing like this has ever been attempted in American politics.  

I also believe that Americans are not as polarized as we are being told.  I believe that when faced with difficult decisions that American values will prevail, so long as they are not choked out by special interests of small groups of people.


This platform gives the constituent the opportunity to vote on the issues, instead of for a representative who they hope has integrity.   On this platform, I cannot be bought, bribed, or canceled.  YOU hold the decision making power.


We can't keep electing Politicians who say what is popular to get elected and then vote differently when in office, whether that is because they are spinless, or bribed, or compromised or whatever the case.

I'm asking you to go on this journey with me in the hope of reshaping American politics to create a form of true representation.  The purest form of representation, I believe.  Admittedly, it's not going to be perfect, but I promise to- with your help and direction, make it as close to perfect as possible.  I hope you will cast a vote for THE FRASER PLATFORM in the election on May 7th.  America's future will thank you for it!!


-Bill Fraser

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